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A quick and easy savory, appetizing and slightly spicy pork dish. Goes very well with plain congee and rice.
Recipe type: Pork Recipes
Serves: 4
  • 80 g salted vegetable – soaked for about 10 - 15 minutes
  • 200 g minced pork (seasoned with 1 tbsp soy sauce and 1 tbsp fried shallot oil)
  • 3 cloves of garlic – chopped
  • 40 g ginger – cut into thin strips
  • 1 fresh red chili – deseed and cut into thin slices or small pieces
  • 1 – 2 tbsp light soy sauce – to taste
  • ½ tbsp dark soy sauce (or more if you prefer a darker color)
  • ¾ cup water
  1. Discard soaking water for the salted vegetables. Cut into strips.
  2. Heat up oil in a wok/medium sized pot till very hot.
  3. Add garlic and fry till fragrant and translucent before adding the sliced ginger. No need to brown.
  4. Add chilies and continue to stir-fry for a few seconds.
  5. Using high heat, wait for a few more seconds for the pot to heat up. Then, add minced pork and stir so that it does not clump.
  6. Keep stirring for about 3-5 minutes and break any clumps with your spatula if necessary.
  7. Add salted vegetables and mix everything well.
  8. Pour in 1 tbsp light soy sauce, ½ tbsp dark soy sauce and about ¾ cup of water. Turn heat to medium-high. Cover with lid and simmer for about 2 - 3 minutes.
  9. Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary. Serve hot with rice or porridge.
Recipe by Souper Diaries at